women-who-won | Ros Ball | undefined

Hello Friends

I hope this update finds you well and, if it's not too late, can I wish you a happy new year. With my children back at home-school as well as well as my day job, it's been a busy start to the new year with limited time to devote to my favourite subject. However as International Women's Day appears on the horizon (8 March) I'm gearing back up for talks and sponsorship (do contact me if your workplace needs a speaker).

Today I wanted to update you on a new crowdfund reward which I know will be popular because we all need something to look forward to. So why not book the 'Women Who Won' guided tour for your book club, family or group of friends? I will personally give you a guided tour of the vital spots around Westminster where women fought for the vote, campaigned for change and won their place in parliament. You'll hear the most colourful view of UK women's history, much of which you'll never have heard before. Tours are one of my favrouite things to do, so it'll be my pleasure to take you. There's a reward option for a group of 5 or 10 on the 'Women Who Won' page and as soon as the book reaches 100% funded (and we're able to mix in public) we can get our tours in the diary.

Now more than 350 people have backed 'Women Who Won' I feel optimistic that we can hit our 100% target before long. Please help me by asking friends and family if they'd like to be supporters. Thank you so much for your support and I look forward to seeing some of you in person before long.


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