Pitch Your Idea

Our commissioners are always open for submissions, at any stage in the writing process from both writers and agents

Connect with your audience

Our marketing team will support you in setting up your own campaign with fabulous pledge ideas for supporters

Write your story

Once funded, our in-house team will get your manuscript in the best place possible for publication

Publish your book

And then it’s over to our Sales & PR team to shout about your book and make sure everyone knows about it!

I’d published eight books with conventional publishers before I chose to fund my latest with Unbound. I’m happier with this one than any of my others.

Tom Cox (Notebook, Villager, 21st Century Yokel, Help the Witch, Ring the Hill)
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Writers really need publishers who are courageous and are prepared to support unusual books...Unbound really build partnerships with writers. They also product beautiful quality books. It is so important we hear all the voices and Unbound are helping to make that possible.

Alice Jolly (Mary Ann Sate, Imbecile; From Far Around They Saw Us Burn)
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As a publisher you have done much, much more here than produce a book. You’ve helped secure health & wellbeing opportunities, helped create and sustain jobs, helped fuel economic growth, helped raise political awareness and given very, VERY many people lovely days out. This is activism in action and you should all feel very proud of it. As we do.

Janet Wilkinson and Emma Pusill (The Lido Guide)
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I really believed my story would help people and my agent sent it to 10 different publishers and they all said no, we like it but we don't know where to put it. It's not a medical memoir. It's not a cancer story. No one will buy it. Then someone from Unbound reached out to me...you guys believed in me and gave me a voice and I cannot believe the difference this book is making just for giving people like me the chance to get their stories out there when you can't be pigeonholed.

Liz O'Riordan (Under the Knife)
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We’ve published over 250 titles and are looking for more authors to work with. Interested in learning more?

About Us

Unbound is a publisher for the digital age. It’s where authors, editors and readers come together to create and support uniquely inventive and courageous books. It’s also where everyone can play a part, by supporting those projects with crowdfunding. Our supporters include our audience of hundreds of thousands of Unbound readers across the globe, all looking for their next read.

Our Impact

Our unique approach to finding and funding projects allows us to bring to life a bold and diverse catalogue of books that other publishers might overlook, like books on niche and cult topics, daring takes on important issues, and fresh ideas from new and underrepresented authors. We can offer much higher royalties on direct sales, meaning that our authors will earn around twice as much on those sales than they would have done selling the same number of books through a traditional publisher.

Year on year, Unbound’s trade sales continue to grow exponentially in both the US and the UK, with best-selling titles on both sides of the continent. Both our fiction and non-fiction books also continue to be nominated for major awards and prizes and are translated into multiple languages sold all around the world. To be frank, our books are not just books. They’re entire culture moments. 

How it works

Our commissioners are always open to pitches from writers and agents who have a brilliant idea that would thrive as a crowdfunded book. If we like it, then we’ll take it on.

Once an Unbound book has enough pledges from supporters, our team of amazing editors and creatives help the author bring it to life, making sure the book is as good as it can possibly be. And then, of course, our publicity and sales teams make sure that the world knows about it. Once the book’s made, we send it straight to its supporters. And, because fully funded projects have a guaranteed audience by the time they’re published, booksellers can be confident about putting it on their shelves. So you’ll see Unbound books for sale in all the usual places you find books, as
well as online.

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