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Dear Winners

I'm so pleased to say that Women Who Won is 90% funded and today I want to shift gears for the final stage of the crowdfund. My target to reach 100% is now set as the last day of September. So if you were considering getting yourself or someone else a reward - like a walking tour of Westminster or a tote bag - then now is the time! 

For those keen to get more insight into the contents of the book, I will be giving a free Zoom talk about an extraordinary elected woman from each continent for the Women's Equality Party Cheshire East branch on 14th September at 8pm. You don't have to be a WEP member, just come along if you support women's equality. You can register to attend here.

Finally, a reminder that to get to 91% only 8 people need to pledge for a signed hardback. If you could encourage someone you know to be one of those 8 people, I'd be very grateful. We're so very nearly there.

With thanks as ever,


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