women-who-won | Ros Ball | undefined


You will have already seen the emails letting you know that Women Who Won is 100% funded but I wanted to send a personal message of thanks. We did it! You and me. I'm so very grateful for your support and wanted to let you know what I'm up to now.

In all honesty it's midday on Friday (my writing day) and I am in bed. That's because it's where I work best. I couldn't compare myself to them, but Edith Wharton, Proust and Mark Twain all wrote from their beds. I find it the place I think best,  and as you can see in the photo I've got my books around me and I'm revelling in the research. 

Though I may be comfortable I assure you I'm working as hard as I can to get the manuscript into shape as quickly as possible. Meanwhile our wonderful illustrator Emmy Lupin has started her drawings. I'm incredibly excited to see her images alongside my words.

Many thanks again for ensuring this book will hit the printing presses. It's going to be great and it's thanks to you.


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