women-who-won | Ros Ball | undefined

Hello All

I want to start by saying a massive thank you to the 276 of you who have now pledged to support Women Who Won. 275 of you are not my mum, so I am extremely grateful that you have put your trust in me to get this important book funded and published. 

In the middle of a tumultuous year it feels like a pretty fantastic achievement to have nearly reached half-way and I feel like a woman who is winning! I am busy concentrating on getting corporate sponsorship so we can make some big leaps towards our target. If you are part of an organisation who would be interested in an acknowledgement page at the front of every book please do get in touch. 

On 8 September I was lucky enough to watch a discussion including two of our Women Who Won, former PM of Australia, Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, former Finance and Foreign Affairs Minister of Nigeria. It was such a fascinating insight because both women described how they had ascended higher than any woman in their respective countries ever had before (or has since) and yet still felt they were being treated differently because they were women. Their discussion was well worth watching and I took away loads of insight. 

On that note the video attached to this update shows what an inspiration women politicians can be for young women across the world. Julia Gillard once took down the then leader of the opposition in Australia with a barnstorming speech highlighting his attitude towards women. In this video TikTok user @MinorFauna covers the speech with humour but mostly in honour of Gillard's stand, and it has been watched hundreds of thousands of time. I could watch it over and over again myself, I hope you enjoy it too. 

PLEASE continue to promote Women Who Won directly to people you know will be interested, it helps hugely. Thank you.

More anon,


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