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Dear Women Who Wonners

It's Ros Ball here, author of Women Who Won, giving you the first update to the campiagn to get the book published.

Firstly a massive thank you to you all for pledging for the book. We've only been going 2 weeks and the response has been wonderful, THANK YOU. 

Secondly I'm going to start telling you more about the women who will feature in the book here, and on my Instagram stories, so please follow me @ros.ball for that.

For example - last week was Shirley Chisholm's birthday and oh my goodness was she an amazing elected woman. Check this clip of her explaining why it was right that she ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1972 - becoming the first woman and first African American to run. I love the power of her carefully chosen words in this clip. What a woman!

Finally, would you help to spread the word about the book? Interestingly, if you ask one single person directly (rather than a blanket message) you're much more likely to get them to pledge. Some of you know that because that's what I did to you! If you'd like to be part of getting us to 100% then give it a go!

Thanks for being a winner.


p.s Just so you know, Fridays are my dedicated day to work on the book and crowdfunding. So on Fridays you can always find me updating you on how it's going on Insta and Twitter





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