women-who-won | Ros Ball | undefined

Dear All

I'm so pleased to tell you that Women Who Won is getting closer and closer to its goal. We are now 86% funded and that feels great! I want to thank you for your patience and continued support. It's been tough trying to crowdfund during a pandemic when events where I could meet larger sponsors haven't been taking place. That means relying more on each individual who pledges for the book - so huge thanks for being one of the 445 supporters so far.

In June, two of our Women Who Won, Joyce Banda and Julia Gillard, spoke to each other in a brilliant seminar for the Global Institute for Women's Leadership. Joyce Banda became the first woman president of Malawi in 2012. She spoke about something the book aims to emmulate - giving girls the encouragement to become leaders. She said she was "fortunate growing up, my dad would remind me I was destined for greatness" and this had a huge effect on her. She said "We must pay attention to the life of the girl child...assuming she is born with 30% leadership traits...society must add on the 70%...what you say to a child matters."

I feel the same as Joyce. I want Women Who Won to be part of that encouragement for young women to see they are the leaders of the future.  The video of Joyce and Julia is attached for you to see and it's a compelling watch. Joyce overcame many obstacles and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. I love listening to her.

As ever please do share the Women Who Won page with one friend today who you know would be interested to support us. Asking one person directly is often more effective than a general sharing of the details. Thanks for your help!

Best wishes


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