where-are-the-fellows-who-cut-the-hay | Robert Ashton | undefined

Thank you for being patient and for your support. My book Where are the Fellows who Cut the Hay is now 75% funded and so likely to be published in 2023. I've also recently moved to Suffolk, and am now living a five minute walk from Leiston Quaker Meeting House, which features in the opening chapter. I had no idea when writing the book that I would be returning to live in the town where I grew up!

Of course I would be grateful if you could encourage those you know to also pledge their support. But if you're feeling creative, how about suggesting a new pledge level you can help me to promote? One sponsorship deal will involve me running a schools' writing competition in which youngsters will describe the past, present and future of something familiar to them.

This follows the style of the book, in which each chapter looks at something everyday, for example milk, and explores how our relationship with it has changed, from those George Ewart Evans interviewed 70 years ago, to those I met who today, are bringing back traditional ways, but wuth a contemporary twist.

A new pledge level should of course include a copy of the book, but it could also involve me speaking to a group, running a workshop, or working with a company keen to align themselves with the emerging post-hydrocarbon era. I have an open mind and space in my diary so please do get creative! 

I look forward to sharing my book with you in 2023 and thanks again for your continued support.



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