where-are-the-fellows-who-cut-the-hay | Robert Ashton | undefined

A TV programme written and narrated by the now late Ronald Blythe made me realise that that while authors life solitary lives, they can influence millions with the books they write. This prompted me to write about how life has changed for authors since Blythe made that programme. You can read it here.

But the Unbound author experience is very different, as without the support of readers, Unbound author's books would not get published. So I'm grateful for to you for your pledge, and now the book is 83% funded, can pretty confidently say you'll be reading your copy in a few months' time.

But while 83% funded is good, there is still 17% still to go. I've just added a new pledge level, for book clubs and other groups that might like me to speak to them, both about my book and also perhaps my experience in writing it. Do you know any groups that might support the book now, and in return add me to their 2024 programme?






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