a-gothic-cookbook | Ella Buchan and Dr Alessandra Pino, with illustrations by Lee Henry | undefined

Well, it's official – the world's first cookbook inspired by Gothic literature will be published! We say it a lot but never enough – thank you! We know there's always a leap of faith to be made when supporting new projects and many of you leapt when A Gothic Cookbook was merely a devilish twinkle in our eyes.

So, what happens now? We're busy finishing off our writing, recipe testing and illustrating, ready to deliver the final manuscript. Then we'll send our little monster off to the editors and work with the Unbound team to create a gloriously Gothic cover.

We'll share our publication date as soon as possible, and keep you updated as we go through the process. We'll be sure to share some tidbits, teasers and the occasional recipe preview too. Meanwhile, here's a recipe (below) inspired by a scene in Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. This one will feature in our cocktail booklet, which many of you have chosen as part of your pledges.

And thank you again – this wouldn't be possible without your support.

Ella, Allie & Lee


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