Ain't Afraid of No Ghost,ghosts | Paul Gannon | undefined


I thought it was (probably) about time to create a quick update on this project!

So, as it stands, I am about 9% away from reaching my goal for this book. That's exciting/terrifying. It's also the toughest part of the fundraiser. So this is where i am reaching out again to say that, if you have pledged (first of all, thank you again for that) please spread the word to others you think would really enjoy the book and story i plan to tell. Every little helps and although things are understandably difficult now with Covid and "all that", even the smallest gesture helps the biggest picture.

I've starting plotting the book, figuring out what to write and where it needs to go in the story and looking for lost notes - but its beginning to come together. I'd hoped GB:Afterlife would have been released by now, to sound up my thoughts on all things GB, but that's a problem i will deal with when i finally put pen to paper... or is that more accurately finger to keyboard?

Anyway, thanks again and poke accordingly!


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