Think like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics,thinklikeavegan | Emilia Leese and Eva Charalambides | undefined

Dear Supporters:

It has been an incredible 12 days since launching Think Like A Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics.

At the time we write this, the crowdfunding is at 67% with 181 kind and generous people who have pledged support. That blows our minds.

From what we can tell at this stage, supporters come from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, China, Rwanda, Hungary, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. If we’ve missed your country, please let us know on social media or contact us via our website.

By the time you read this, Emi will be on her way to Birchfield for the first large-scale tree planting event to coincide with National Tree Week in the UK. She and a group from AECOM, The Lifescape Project and even a few book supporters will be planting 420 trees in what was the ancient Caledonian forest. Look to our social media for updates on that as well as some video from Birchfield and the Steading, both available rewards in the crowdfunding.

Please keep sharing the link to our book with anyone you think might be interested and on social media, LinkedIn or any other network:  

And enjoy this goofy little video Emi made on Monday.

With so much gratitude,

Emi & Eva

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