Think like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics,thinklikeavegan | Emilia Leese and Eva Charalambides | undefined

Dear Friends and Supporters

We hope you're keeping well.

It's been a whirlwind since Publication Day. Here's a roundup of everything we've been up to and a call to action for you at the end!


And there are more in the pipeline, including the Sustainable Dish podcast


  • We're in the Guardian's Ethical Eating Season 
  • This week's Closer Magazine (in the print version) quoted and mentioned us in an article on honey 
  • Green Queen, an award-winning sustainability & impact media platform advocating for social & environmental change in Asia, featured an excerpt
  • Brightzine, an ethical lifestyle magazine, published a Q&A with us
  • Writing, Ireland's magazine for writers, published a piece by us about balancing passion and persuasion 
  • The Pigeonhole, an international online book club, featured TLAV and we had fantastic real-time interaction with pre-launch readears

There will be more in the coming months!


  • Emi managed to sign some books at The Nairn Bookshop in the beautiful village of Nairn in the Highlands of Scotland. Signed copies are now only available there or from Unbound. A rare item, get in!
  • Join us on Clubhouse on 23 June at 20.00 in the Vegan Wednesday Club with author Benny Malone and  Louise Mead. This is a live event and will not be recorded
  • Get crunchy with us at the Timber Festival in the National Forest, at 10.00 on 4 July on the main stage
  • Then the village of Nairn on the northeast coast of the Highlands goes all out for the Nairn Book & Arts Festival. We'll be there on 9 September at 16.00

With lots more in the works!

Call to action

We've also been getting some fantastic reviews from vegans and non-vegans. Please go to Goodreads and Amazon to see them. And please we need YOU to leave us a high rating or good review (or both) on Goodreads too (and Amazon). It's so important for new authors like ourselves. A high rating only takes a minute. We know you're busy and we are grateful for your continued support. You know we wouldn't be here without you.

North American release date!

And finally, for our North American friends, the release date can finally be revealed!! 18 January 2022 for the hardcover and the Audible version being narrated by the brilliant Gina Rogers

With steadfast gratitude, 

Emi & Eva


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