Think like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics,thinklikeavegan | Emilia Leese and Eva Charalambides | undefined

Dear Supporters:

Happy new year to you and yours! 

As we start 2020, we thought it fitting to share with you the origins of our book. Inspiration visits us in strangest places sometimes. For Think Like a Vegan, it all started after the 2018 Vegandale Festival in Toronto. Emi was sitting in the back of Eva’s & Matt’s truck. We had just scoffed pastries at Tori’s Bakeshop and were on our way to the airport for Emi’s return flight to London.

We were chatting about ideas on how to make it easy for people to put into practice the ideas underpinning veganism, and we came up with the idea of a workbook. That simple, but unheard of, concept morphed into the book you are pledging for now. Together with a series of complementary thought-provoking essays, we crafted a tool unlike any other currently available to vegans or vegan-curious. Your pledge means we're closer than ever to transforming our idea from a lovely Sunday afternoon into a published book! Only 10% of our campaigning goal is left to raise until we can tackle our next steps: revisions and additions.

Where might you have been inspired? And what were you inspired to do? We would love to hear from you.

You are an integral part of this project, just as much as we are. We want to make our updates little glimpses into our process and relevant bits of our life. Let us know if you enjoy them and what else you might want to hear about.

And please keep sharing our project with anyone who might be interested. Your personal recommendations are invaluable. 

With much love & gratitude, 

Emi & Eva

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