Think like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics,thinklikeavegan | Emilia Leese and Eva Charalambides | undefined

Dear Friends and Supporters,

It's the one year anniversary of funding Think Like a Vegan! And to celebrate, we have three thrilling updates for you. We're sharing them here first as a way of thanking you, our supporters, without whom this book could never have happened. Drum roll please...

Our cover reveal!

Unbound's art director, Mark Ecob (@mecobtweets), created this eye-catching cover for our book. We're delighted with it and hope you are too. It's bold and demands attention, just like our topic. We can't wait to see it on shelves.

Second, our book will be available as an audiobook in all English-language selling territories and on most of the mainstream audiobook platforms worldwide. Once again, the Unbound team has been amazing in facilitating this, so can continue to help promote accessibility in the vegan community. We may have shed a few tears when we got this news (definitlely). 

Third, we're on schedule for a publication date of May 2021! Emi has already had her first anxiety dream about the book, so this tells you the level of excitement all around. Stay tuned for that date and for when you can expect shipping info for pre-orders.

Speaking of which, pre-orders help authors tremendously, so please share the news about our book with your friends. Copies can still be purchased at this link: Think Like a Vegan is popping up elsewhere, too! Look for us in your favourite bookshop, on or anywhere else you buy books. 

With endless gratitude because we wouldn't be here without you,

Emi & Eva

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