queer-as-folklore | Aliya Gulamani | undefined

Hello everyone, sorry it's taken a while to give another update, but it's for good reasons... namely LGBT History Month which takes place in the UK every February, which is where I do a lot of my work. So I've been researching paintings, supporting drag queens and running so many tours that quite honestly I need a holiday!
But the book exists; It has been written, whilst it's still a bunch of (very pretty if I say so myself) digital pages going through the final phases of editing, typesetting and tweaking, it's almost complete. Also as you can see from my previous post the cover also exists, featuring the beautiful work of the extraordinarily talented artist Beto Val who created the main illustration of our 'merperson hybrid' and for Mark Ecob for the vibrant colour, font, layout and design.

I love the yellow and red, I always said from the start that whilst I wanted the book to look 'queer' (whatever that means!) I kind of wanted to avoid hot pink or rainbows, I think this has a really cool Kill Bill vibe that I am very down with. In terms of other pretty things, I'd love to share one of the internal illustrations that Beto has produced for the book, again I couldn't be happier with his approach. A book is there to be read, and this one is based on history, research, trips to the British Library, wild wikipedia dalliances, museum stores and conversations within the community BUT I won't lie, it ending up looking so pretty has done wonders for my ego.

We are also at the stage of reaching out to people for reviews and preliminary taglines (such is publishing) and I'm delighted to say that already two queer academics I SUPREMELY respect have said some very kind words. I am fully aware that no book is universally adored, and it would be narcissistic to expect a book you write to be everyone's cup of tea, but this being my first book I can't tell you the relief of getting positive feedback and validation from people you admire. It means the world. Being a writer (even saying that makes me cringe a little) is a vulnerable place, it's a lovely, exciting and slightly self-absorbed space, but also very scary and a little lonely. Putting something you've worked on for yonks by yourself, something you are tentatively proud of, out into the world to be sized up is... terrifying.

Anyway enough introspection, it's on its way, and alongside the launch of the book will probably come some speaking engagements, book signings and all that fancy guff that makes me feel giddy and queasy. Thanks for all your support, however you've shown it, just a little longer. X
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