a-gothic-cookbook | Ella Buchan and Dr Alessandra Pino, with illustrations by Lee Henry | undefined

As the nights become as chilly as Dracula's draughty lair, we have a recipe to warm the cockles: Paprika Hendl, just like the one Jonathan Harker longed for Mina to recreate at home. It's one of the recipes that sparked the idea for our cookbook, and the very first that we developed and tested.

You can click on the recipe below and save as a jpeg. Think of it as a thank you for your support and patience, and as something to sate your appetite as we polish off our manuscript and put each of our recipes through the final rigours of testing.

Hopefully, like Jonathan, you'll think it's something to write home about. And hopefully there won't be a bloodthirsty count getting in the way of your domestic contentment...

Allie, Ella & Lee

PS Watch Allie demonstrate the recipe for Romancing the Gothic, here.

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