playing-to-lose | Imogen Denny | undefined

Hello everyone!

I'm so sorry, I can no longer put up video updates because the Unbound site currently isn't allowing me to do so, but I wanted to invite you to a REAL LIFE EVENT, OMG! It's in London on the evening of 19 February, and I'll be speaking to the tremendous Ali Millar, the ex-Jehovah's Witness author of The Last Days and Ava Anna Ada, about my book, my career, and what I'm working on next. Tickets are £20 (including ABSINTHE, apparently?!) and I know that some of the supporters of the book have already purchased tickets, so I'm excited for you to meet each other, as well as me (and possibly my husband, who's gonna be very brave and come along even though he most certainly doesn't want to drink absinthe, and isn't 100% certain to want to talk either). Here's a link! and I shall hope to see you there. I am planning an OUTFIT.
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