shareware-heroes | Richard Moss | undefined

Hi all,

First off, big thanks to everyone here for helping to make this campaign such a resounding success...eventually. It took a long time to get here, but the Kickstarter to make up the shortfall in funding finished yesterday and it managed to hit the heights of 182% funded and 515 backers.

That success means we were able to hit two stretch goals: I will record an audiobook version, which will be a free download for every backer (I will be making sure that it's given to all you here on Unbound as well as to all the Kickstarter supporters). And we'll also include some developer spotlights in the book that give special attention to a number of shareware creators in a format that's separate to the main narrative. I have a few ideas about how they might work and which developers I might include in them, but I'll let things settle before I start to commit to anything specific.

In the meantime, with the book finally funded, I'll be moving full-steam ahead on my remaining research and interviewing work. I still have lots of people to talk to, lots of games to play, and lots of old source material to dig up, and I'll try to periodically pull my head out of that world long enough to share a few bits and pieces about my progress.

I'm aiming to get the manuscript done before the end of the year. That said, however, I think it's best that I let the process dictate the timeline — if I realise it'll take a bit longer than planned, you'll be among the first to know.

And now that the Kickstarter's done, you can resume pointing people here if they'd like to support the project. We'll get the tally at the top of the page updated soon to reflect the combined Kickstarter + Unbound numbers (and when that happens you'll get an automated email to say that we hit the goal). 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me directly or go through the usual Unbound channels.

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