queer-as-folklore | Sacha Coward | undefined

Thanks so much for all of your support.

It's been... well it's been overwhelming and incredible how quickly you came together to support my book. And it really has been a whirlwind of a week since 'Queer as Folklore' was fully funded a week ago!

Since then I have been researching and writing about Unicorns, meeting with the publishers and buying myself a LOT of books (see below). Now the starting pistol has been fired, I am working on getting the first draft of the manuscript put together.


I'm going to keep everyone updated here as the book comes together, keeping you informed on the publishing process which may be as new to me as it is to many of you. (Maybe that's interesting, maybe it's not! But if it is, it'll all be hjere)

For now, another huge thankyou, and have a weird Medieval unicorn from the British library!

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