queer-as-folklore | Sacha Coward | undefined

Hi everyone, just checking in to let you know that three chapters have made there way to Unbound for a preliminary read. They've been given the thumbs up (they will all still need a proper edit!) and the chapter on fairies is mostly complete.

I am will be turning my attention to Werewolves and Witches which will be my focus in the newyear. 

Yet again, thank you all so much. It feels so incredible writing this book and knowing it's going to become a real thing!

I wish you the merriest of christmases.

In the meantime, here is a pervy lesbian mermaid looking up the skirts of iceskaters!

The caption reads: 'Are Parisian girls getting more frugal? I’m seeing far less underwear this year!'

(Thanks to twitter user @hydrophiliak for this amazing find!!!)

Lots of love, Sacha X

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