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Would you like to contribute a gender-flipped joke to the chapter on humour in Flipping Patriarchy?

I never forget a face. But with my father-in-law, I’m willing to make an exception.

Why are there no men on the moon? Because it doesn't need to be cleaned!

Imagine if men were the objects of jokes at weddings and in after-dinner speeches in the same way women are. I want to include a collection of gags in the book that reverse traditional sexist jokes, making men the punchline. Holding a mirror up to culture that mocks mothers-in-law, 'dumb blondes' and feminists, this chapter will show how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot. Each of the jokes will be been placed into its own category such as fathers-in-law, husbands and male drivers so the reader can find a joke easily on any number of topics.

A wise woman once said, "Laughter is, and will always be, the best form of therapy".

Please contribute in the comments and your joke might appear in the book...

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