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Introducing the Clitionary, the dictionary of a gender-flipped world.

I'm looking for words and their definitions for the chapter in the book on language. Please submit yours in the comment below and it might appear in the book!

Here's some examples of what I'm looking for...

Chairwoman, noun. A person chosen to preside over a meeting, i.e. "The chairwoman declared the meeting open," and
"I have an urgent matter to raise, Mr. Chairwoman"

Grating, adjective. Sounding harsh and unpleasant, i.e. "his awful grating voice shouldn't be on the radio"

Nagging, adjective. Constantly harassing someone to do something, i.e. "a nagging husband"

Psyche, noun. The human soul, mind, or spirit, i.e. "I will never really fathom the mysterious male psyche

Womankind, noun. A gender-neutral term referring to both women and men, i.e. “"research for the benefit of all womankind"

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