Think like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics,thinklikeavegan | Emilia Leese and Eva Charalambides | undefined
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We received the first proof of the manuscript and we've since turned it in to our editor with a few comments and edits. Right now, the proof is being professionally proofread as well. So, we're closer and closer to being able to hit that print button.
Another highlight this week was hearing a snippet of our book being read aloud by the narrator, British actress Sarah Schoenbeck, who was chosen by the audiobook publishers. It was an absolutely singular experience and rather overwhelming.
You'll now find us on Goodreads, so you can add our book to your virtual bookshelf and follow Emi if you fancy. And please remember, pre-orders help authors tremendously, especially first-time ones like us. So, share the news about our book with your friends. Copies can still be purchased at this link: or from your favourite bookshop, on or anywhere else you buy books.
More updates soon.
With endless gratitude,
Emi & Eva