queer-as-folklore | Sacha Coward | undefined

I wanted to shout about this sooner (and if you are unfortunate enough to follow me on social media you'll have heard about it already!) but the incredible author Joanne Harris has agreed to write a foreword for Queer As Folklore.

I am quite honestly over the moon! I have been reading Joanne's work for years, and just finished 'A Narrow Door' over the summer, which was one of the most gripping books I've read in yonks. Also Joanne is known for weaving folklore and mythology into their work, such as Norse mythology in 'The Gospel Of Loki'; There's one thing having a wellknown and celebrated author involved in your passion project, and quite another having someone you personally admire and respect!

It goes without saying that Joanne has been a vocal advocate and ambassador for the LGBTQ+ community, and I cannot wait to see what they write!

Other than this update I have been busy throughout February (which is LGBT History Month in the UK) doing talks on everything from Greek Myths to 1920's gay bars! But worry not, the book is still at the forefront of my mind. I have just started reading 'They Came To Slay' by James Carter and 'The Werewolf' by Maegan Stebbins... which gives you a rather larg hint as to what my next focus will be...

All my best. X

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