queer-as-folklore | Sacha Coward | undefined

Hi everyone, hope you all had a fab ease into the new year!

I've just had my first kick-off meeting with Unbound for 2023 and all is looking good. :-)

As a small update I have now finished the first draft of the chapter which discusses fairies/faeries and other related beings. The next chapter will be on Witchcraft, which I'm both excited and daunted to start!

As a taster of whats to come next, at the moment I am reading the British Library's book on the history of Science Fiction and 'Terrible Queer Creatures' by Brian Lacey (A fantastic, but sadly hard to get hold of history of LGBTQ+ people in Ireland)

As a little taster, here is a fantastic print by Edmund Dulac depicting the queer costume designer Leon Bakst as a fairy. He is leading a ‘Prince Charming’ (actually Sergei Diaghilev) to an unseen sleeping beauty in a tower. In all likelihood it is to a prince, not a princess, as Sergei was gay, and deeply in love with the bisexual dancer Vaslav Nijinsky.

*PS Don't worry about these updates being littered with typos, I swear the finished book will be thoroughly edited and checked before it lands in your hands. I porpoise! 

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