all-my-worldly-joy | Laura Richmond | undefined

Hello everyone,

It feels odd to say happy new year, since it's been January for about five months now, but nonetheless I hope you all managed to catch a break over Christmas and have lots of nice things planned for the year ahead. I have some bits and bobs to share:


  • A sneak peek at the book manuscript is on the horizon! I've compiled a series of short extracts for the clever folk at Unbound to create social media graphics that will help to promote the book and nail that final 7% of funding. I've decided to choose a couple of pages' worth of those extracts which don't become graphics and release them exclusively to you as supporters. Some of you have waited so long and I am endlessly thankful for your patience as I wrangle with this manuscript alongside mothering and my many jobs. I hope this document will give you a sense of what it is you're helping to make happen and generate a bit of excitement too. I'm excited! I'm hugging this manuscript like a secret as I continue to edit and polish it.


  • There's a new pledge level! £60 for a signed hardback, ebook, and one-to-one video call with me where we can talk about whatever you like. If you wanted to share any of your own experiences that relate to the book, or ask me any questions, I'm all yours for half an hour. So do feel free to upgrade your pledge if you fancy it.


  • I have a new article out in The Lancet Psychiatry about lived experience involvement in mental health research. Do check it out if you'd like.


  • Finally, as some of you will know, the team at Mind are currently wrapping up their work around the perinatal peer support principles that I helped create a few years ago. Hearts and Minds Partnership have a new 'Honest Conversations' podcast out in which Nisba and I talk about about how and why the principles were developed, how to implement them and tailor them to your own needs, and the legacy and next steps of the project. You can listen by registering with Smart Space here. I'll also be at the Hearts and Minds national meet up in Birmingham on Monday, so if you're there, do come and find me.

Whew! I think that's all for now, loves, but thank you so much again for being here and I'll be in touch again soon.

Laura x

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