a-melancholy-event | Dan Glaister | undefined

Well that's a funny thing to be saying and a phrase I wasn't sure I'd ever be writing. But as you have been told by Unbound, A Melancholy Event is on its way to you. Huge thanks to everyone involved and to you for backing me and supporting the novel. It's been a journey...

I hope you enjoy it and if you do that you'll spread the word. It should be available in all good book shops, if not they can order it. Failing that, it's already on Amazon here although the official publication date is April 29. There should be some pieces in the press to coincide with the official publication date at the end of April, so keep an eye out for them.

A lot of people have asked me what genre it is. Beyond saying "contemporary fiction" I've always been a little unsure of the answer but one early reader has already classified it as "contemporary macabre", so now we know. I quite like it. 

Once again, many, many thanks. You will not be forgotten. I only hope they spelt your name right.

Here's a preview of the cover – keep an eye on your letterbox.



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