love-lay-down-beside-me-and-we-wept | Imogen Denny | undefined

Hi folks,

Lately, I’ve been a bit quiet here and on social media. Part of the reason was that, despite having been told, I couldn’t remember how we were supposed to contribute blog posts on the new updated Unbound website. Turns out it is as easy as it ever was, just different.

While I’m on the subject, this is a quick reminder to you to update your own Unbound account if you haven’t already. You can do it here: The hosting platform has changed to make it easier to shop but there have been one or two hiccups in the transfer. If your account doesn’t look right (eg mine had only one of the books that I had pledged for listed), don’t worry. Either contact or wait it out. The snags are being ironed out bit by bit.

The absence from social media was accidental. Last year was quite tricky for one reason or another, and by the time that the book had funded I was done in. What started out as a short break from Facebook/Instagram and X/Twitter has extended to several months. But I will find my way back there soon.

Just because I haven’t been posting lots about love lay down, doesn’t mean to say nothing has been happening though. Since the book funded, it has been through a structural edit (very few changes to were required, yay!) and a legal read (quite a lot of changes were required, not so yay). I’ve been working on disguising some of the main characters in the story more than they already were while having weird philosophical conversations with myself about where the line is between fact and fiction. For some people, all I had to do was change their names further from their original names. Considering that everyone’s names had already been altered, this doesn’t sound like it should have been a particularly onerous task. Weirdly, it took me forever. I had to find names that I could identify with the real person. I had to be able to see them, walking, talking, whatevering, but answering to the name that I had given them. It was even stranger than coming up with names for fictional characters. Overall, a fascinating process.

The copy edit didn’t come up with quite as many howlers as the one for Backstreets (I’m still mortified over the stationary cupboard). But I did have a ‘peak’ instead of a ‘peek’, and a ‘bubbling’ instead of a ‘babbling’.

Currently, the changes that I’ve made after the legal read are being reviewed by an editor. Once they are all locked in, I think it goes to typesetting and page proofs.

Oh, and I had my picture taken for my author photo by another Helen. Helen Bates. She was very patient, managed to stop me grinning stiffly and took some ‘definitely ok’ photos. Which considering how awkward I felt in front of the camera is pretty good going. I’m waiting for the high res files to come back to choose one.

Right, I think that’s me up to date. I’ll be back in touch when I have more news.

Hope all is good with you.

Bye for now,
H xx

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