Itchy,residentevil,Tasty: An Unofficial History of Resident Evil | Alex Aniel | undefined

Hello Backers from all over the world,

This is Alex writing to you all from Tokyo. I’d like to provide a few updates regarding the production status of Itchy, Tasty: An Unofficial History of Resident Evil.

Firstly, I hope everyone has been keeping themselves and their loved ones safe amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic and other social issues that have occurred in recent weeks. 2020 has been an extremely challenging year for the whole world, and we can only hope to work together and lift ourselves out of these situations. Please keep yourselves safe and healthy by wearing masks in public, washing hands regularly, practicing social distancing and spending as much time at home as possible so we can collectively defeat COVID-19. Moreover, I hope we all can remind ourselves of the importance of respecting one another regardless of one’s skin color, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion or social status. 

Moving onto the book, I have the following updates:

Book Title Update

In order to more concretely and transparently convey the book as a completely original and independent piece of investigate literature, I have appended the title to Itchy, Tasty: An Unofficial History of Resident Evil. As I have mentioned in the past, this book is not endorsed or licensed by CAPCOM–however, the company has graciously allowed Unbound and me to move forward with its independent and non-official publication.

Edits Complete

As Unbound mentioned a few weeks ago, the editing process of the book has been completed, and all parties are mutually satisfied with the text. There may be a few more minor updates here or there subject to legal and other background checks, but the text is virtually finalized and we have moved onto the design phase.

Design Phase

With the text largely done, we are now in the process of working with designers on the visual elements of the book. In addition to the cover design by Cory Schmitz and the cover illustration by Manuel Perez, both of whom are dear friends of mine, I’m happy to announce that Arkotype (Dan Clarke) has lent his hand to design additional visual elements for the book that will augment the text. Here is a preview of some of the visuals he has created for the book; can you tell what they’re supposed to represent?

Release Date

And here is the big one; Unbound and I tried our best, but due to COVID-19, we have been compelled to release the book in April 2021. It’s regrettable that we cannot make 2020 anymore, and for that I truly apologize. COVID-19 has forced various parties into adjusting their workflows (i.e. work from home), which adds to the time needed to finish production. Moreover, various travel restrictions are in place in Japan (where I live) and Europe (where Unbound is based (the UK, specifically). Japan is not currently allowing foreign residents such as myself back into the country should we choose to travel abroad. Ideally, this will all be resolved by early 2021. We hope the longer wait will be worth it.

That’s all for today! I hope everyone enjoys summer (or winter, for my friends in the southern hemisphere). Stay safe, stay informed and I look forward to staying in touch!

Thank you to all 840 backers so far for your support in helping make this book happen! 

July 11, 2020

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