the-dancey-laguarde-reader | Imogen Denny | undefined

Magnificent pre-purchasers of The D’Ancey LaGuarde Reader, I come bearing my heart in my hands and also an update!

First, big news – I’m in the early middle of passionately wrestling my way through the process of artwork for the book. Deciding on what art ought to be in it and how sweaty I’m allowed to demand the art director make it look is a new and fascinating process. 

More! Bigger News! I have responded to the kind notes of the copy editor with clarifications where requested, and the whole process is filling me with delight. For example, one response I found my fingers typing was:

'it has to be "with a crocodile" rather than by, because the crocodile is merely the murder weapon. The evil Viscount is the murderer.'

Sometimes I am astonished that anyone has allowed me to do this, let alone all of you incredible people actively encouraging me in it. 

Also in this update, some Biggest News! Because we’ll be trying to sell the book to people who aren’t already D’Ancey LaGuarde fans; to reach people who may never have even heard of D’Ancey, we will be changing the name of the book in order to lure in the regular human who might enjoy it but be put off by the title. (Though I for one would happily buy a book with a title that included the name of someone I’d never heard of, couldn’t effectively Google and who according to reality 'doesn’t technically exist', I understand there are some people who wouldn’t.)

The new title is:

A Passion For Passion: The Greatest Romance Novels Never Written

Also, for those who are interested in writing with me, I run weekly writers meetings on Zoom, and I’ll be running a writers' retreat in Switzerland in September. Check over on my Patreon for the details of those things. 

With heaving breasts and a spleen full of joy, I bid you farewell til my next update!


Alice (with approval of D’Ancey LaGuarde)

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