bloody-hell-and-other-stories | Flo Garnett | undefined

Hello everyone,

Great news: Bloody Hell! will be published in March 2025!

I am thrilled that 17 essays, each offering its author’s experience of the menopause transition, will soon be out in the world, meeting your experience, inspiring questions and conversations and stretching what know so far about menopause so that we can imagine more, so much more, for that period in our lives.

Trust me when I say that the contributors to Bloody Hell! are fucking superstars! How lucky I am to have collected their essays into an anthology that has become a gathering place for my own menopausal frustrations and excitement for what is ahead. I trust that it will become a home for yours too.

 The contributors are:

  • Marilyn Muthoni Kamuru
  • Simi Hoque
  • Omisade Burney-Scott
  • Jenn Salib Huber
  • Sonora Jha
  • Mohja Kahf
  • Emmett J. Lundberg
  • Aslı Alpar (translated by Canan Marasligil)
  • Ann Marie McQueen
  • Kimberly Dark
  • Susan Cole
  • Una Mullally
  • Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah
  • Abeer Hoque
  • M’kali-Hashiki
  • Syd Yang

    Their essays are illustrated by the incredible art of Sheyam Ghieth and talk about stellar and super-wow! I literally can’t wait until you see their art so here is an example…

    You too – supporters of Bloody Hell! – are fucking superstars! Your support took us two-thirds of the way towards our goal of raising enough money to fund the book and Ruth Ann Harnisch’s incredible generosity took us to the finish line.

    As the anthology goes through the final stages of editing before it goes to print, I ask one more favour of you all: please share this page with people far and wide and encourage them to pre-order Bloody Hell!.

    I am thrilled that there are more books out there on menopause. They are welcome treasures or those of us who have created our own collage of knowledge and support from the little that for so long was out there. I am thrilled that Bloody Hell! will soon stand alongside them – to cheer you along your menopause transition and to offer a baton to those whose transition lies ahead.

    Love and solidarity,



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