Itchy,residentevil,Tasty: An Unofficial History of Resident Evil | Alex Aniel | undefined

Hi everyone,

This is Alex, the writer of "An Itchy, Tasty History of Resident Evil." 

In mid-October, Unbound and I launched our crowdfunding campaign for the book, which I spent over 2 years researching and writing. For both me and Unbound, this was a bold new step; this was my first authored book ever, while this was Unbound's first foray into a book about a specific video game series. With over 60,000 words in the final pre-edited draft of the book, the project required a significant amount of funding in order to see the light of day. We were both intrigued at the possibility of whether this could succeed, but both sides were optimistic throughout the campaign.

And thanks to the help of the amazing people at Unbound, my many friends throughout the game industry, fellow Resident Evil influencers and those who have followed my work for many years, the crowdfunding goal was reached just before Christmas and has since exceeded it by nearly 20%! I am eternally grateful to the support of each and every one of you who backed the book at any tier, who spread the word around and eventually allowed the project to come to life. Thank you all, once again.

With that said, I have a few minor updates I'd like to tell you all today.

- The final pre-edited draft has been submitted to Unbound and is currently being edited. The book, as I mentioned, is over 60,000 words in its current format, so it will take time for it to be edited and completed to the satisfaction of both sides. 

- Our timeline for launch is sometime in 2020, although it's honestly hard to pinpoint the exact month at this stage. I'm sorry I can't be more specific. My honest prediction would be no later than October (the one year mark from when the campaign started), but I can't promise that just yet-it could be later. We hope it will be worth the wait, no matter when it hits!

- We've had talks with different parties over the rights of non-English language versions of the book (i.e. Spanish, French, etc.). Talks are going very well and we hope to have some news on this later in 2020!

- We're also figuring out the logistics of an AudioBook version. We'll have more to announce when the time comes.

Thank you again for your support! I hope to have another update on the project during the spring.

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line using your Unbound account or message me at my Twitter (@cvxfreak).


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