William and the Werewolf | Mathew Clayton | undefined

Dear Reader and Supporter,

After a few weeks of silence I have some really exciting news about William and the Werewolf – the book you have helped to come to fruition.

Finalising the text…

I have today received the first copyedit for the text – this means that the book is now entering its final stages prior to the delivery of the first proofs of the book. This also means that we’re now getting very close to the book appearing.

Cover design…

In the last few weeks I have also been liaising with the design team at Unbound about the cover to the book. I can’t say too much at this stage but what I’ve seen looks fantastic – what the team has produced really reflects the ethos and mood of the story.

The cover will be very different from what has been shown so far but I hope you will agree with me when you see it that it looks great – watch this space!

In working with the designers, I was asked to prepare some new linocut imagery for the cover; one of the prints to be used is shown in the attached film. This image will form only part of the cover – I can’t tell you anything more at the moment!

What I can tell you is that the design will fit neatly with others in my series of translations through Unbound – if you have the other two texts (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and King Arthur’s Death), the three books together will look stunning on your shelves.

Publication date!

Yes, that’s right, you did read the headline correctly! I have been informed that William and the Werewolf will be published in October this year! Of the three translations of Middle English romances I have prepared to date, this one I believe is my best – and I’m especially proud of the linocut images which will appear in it throughout.

I hope very much that you will enjoy the book when it comes. I am hoping within the next few weeks to show you what the new cover will look like. I really think you’re going to like it and that it will make you proud to have supported the work.

I thank you again for all your support and patience along the way. Not long to go now!


Michael Smith

Author, translator, printmaker.

PS – As I write, there is still opportunity for others to support the book and have their names printed in the back. If you know of others who would like to support the book, please do encourage them. This one will be special!


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