Wild Folk: Tales from the Stones,wild-folk | Aliya Gulamani | undefined

As work progresses on Wild Folk Tamsin and I got talking. There’s this thing in the book trade called a Blad (I asked John Mitchinson what that stands for and it is Book Layout and Design) So, here we are at the stage of making a blad and instead of it being just a kind of throw away thing we want to make something beautiful. This is a thing that is used to approach bookshops, galleries and booksellers. Kind of like a sample. But we want it to be so much more. 

After many a meeting, which usually went in all kinds of strange directions, we decided to make a blad out of a whole story from the book, fully designed and illustrated. 100 copies for sale, signed and limited edition. The kind of thing that could become an investment. The kind of thing for book collectors. We are making these available via the site as one of the rewards and it will be sent out in early December, in time for Advent and Christmas. If it is something that people want. 

These won’t be for sale anywhere else, each will be signed and numbered by both of us. The chosen story is ‘Wayland’, about a man who loves a swan maiden, who makes the most beautiful things, including a sword of power to bring peace. 



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