Radical Shakespeare: Why do we get him so wrong?,radical-shakespeare | Pauline Kiernan | undefined

Exploring Shakespeare's savage satire on the ruing class.
From my show STATE OF THE NATION 1602.2022. A SATIRE
This one about his Cade Rebellion.

It doesn't mean what we, in the 21st century, think it means. Another of so many times we misinterpret what the playwright was meaning;
WILL Item. You have introduced compulsory, SKY-ROCKETING  taxes for the poor, and DRASTICALLY cut taxes for the already obscenely rich.

REBEL. First thing we do. We kill all the lawyers!’

CADE Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school...He looks to the groundlings.

CADE He hath caused printing to be used, and thast built a paper-mill. To manufacture books...

He looks to the groundlings.

CADE ... Which we cannot read.


WILL - Ben Jonson got off a murder charge because he proved he could read the Bible's Latin.

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