Fifty Tales,fifty-tales-or-the-heart-of-the-matter,or The Heart of the Matter | Hugh Lupton | undefined

Dear Storytelling Friends

Thank you for your generous pledges for FIFTY TALES.

I’ve now clambered up to the 50 per cent fulcrum of the glass mountain. The iron shoes have brought blisters, but the sunlit uplands of the Land of Whipperginny (East of the Sun & West of the Moon) are coming into sight. It’s a long way down though. Anything you can do to encourage friends and family to pledge would be much appreciated.

I’ve added some new enticements: 

Non Fiction Bundle: Signed copies of my brand new book ‘The Dreaming of Place’ (writings on myth, landscape and the art of storytelling – including five ‘praise songs’ - to be published by Propolis Books on October 31st). 

New CD Bundle: Signed copies of my brand new CDs – ‘The Hanging of a Mouse’ (Mabinogion tales) and ‘When the Morning Stars Sang and the Angels Shouted for Joy’ (Job & other Old Testament & Apocryphal stories).

Yurt Wekekend: A weekend for two in a yurt in North Norfolk with fireside tales on the Saturday night.

Wishing you all a fruitful late summer.


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