The Motel,themotel | Claire Manumission | undefined

Dearest Moteliers,

Sending warmest of summer vibes from Mission HQ! 

Please excuse the radio silence!

We have been back on the island of Ibiza launching our new experiential daytime event AiLIEN also known as ANIMUSOMNIS - which in true cryptic mission style is an anagram of MANUMISSION.

AiLIEN & The Motel are intrinsically linked - you will find out how when you receive your copy of the book. It involves me slipping through a portal in a black out on the night of my 24th birthday, the night Norman & Zoe fell in love and Lisa I'anson got lost in the graffiti tagged hallways...

The AiLIEN opening was thankfully a big success, so we can now get back to the exhillerating task of writing and editing The Motel. We will only get the opportunity to do this right once! So we thank you for your on going patience as we promise to make reading your copy of The Motel the perfectly blissed-out-loved-up experience that it deserves to be.  

One of our Executive Producer pledgers and a few of our patrons were at the premiere and it was a joy to be together for the rebirth and to see the next generation enjoying the festivities.

The AiLIEN parties are the second Sunday of every month from now through to October, the next one is on Sunday 12th June. If any of you fine patrons of The Motel would like to join us dm us on instagram @mcmanumission and we will endeavor to get you on our personal guest list.

In the meantime - if you'd like a little fix of all things Manumission, The Motel & more, here is a podcast we were invited to be on in honour of the memoir by the fantastic team over at -

Will be back in contact regularly to share The Motel creation process with you. 

One love from the Mission Mrs xx

P.S. any of you recognize Little Karen!? Behind her is our daughter Tallulah Rose who sings in the show. Next generation!


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