The Motel,themotel | Claire Manumission | undefined

Dear Moteliers,


With the spring rain rejuvenation up here in the mountains - rivers replenished, I am writing to let you know Part 1 has now been completed - which took longer than expected, because we had a wonderful idea - tried it, and as a result we restructured 11 chapters. I am however thrilled with the result which received the following great feedback from our publisher - 


It feels like you have properly hit your stride now with it. Just keep going like this. I think it is going to be an amazing book.


Last week we delivered the first chapter of Part 2. The chapter took us through a broad spectrum of emotions - tears of joy and of sadness, and if something made me laugh out loud and ask the question ‘can I really add that?’ - the answer from Mike was a resounding YES!


The publisher's feedback... 'That's fantastic'.


It revisits opening night…


Uncovers a Carl Cox Tina Turner Toga saga… 



And a curious encounter with Henk de Vries legendary owner of The Bulldog in Amsterdam - who arrives at the Motel with a gift of 12 polystyrene boxes stuffed with fresh magic mushrooms (which turn out to be the only food that Irivine Welsh remembers eating on his visit, and we will get a taste of in upcoming chapters).


(see Irvine's quote here along with some fabulous words from legendary rock journalist and Motel regular Kris Needs)

The great news is we have cleared all other work commitments to devote 100% of our time to completing the book - aiming to have the first draft of the manuscript to Unbound by the end of the summer. Then along with editing we will be opening up the archive and selecting the photographs, design notes and artwork to be included. I will also start on some of the extra goodies like the Love Letters and digital rewards whilst Mike dives into the illustrations for my chapter headings and his special editions. 

With love as always and a huge thank you again for your treasured support and patience dear patrons it's back to the Memory Motel, as the summer of '98 beckons and softly swells all around me.  

Kisses, The Manumission Mrs xxx



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