A Cultural Revolution in Ancient Egypt

A Deal with the Devil

A Man of Two Mythologies

Adventure in the Land of Day

Animals that become human, humans that become animals

Belief Systems

Christianity and Paganism

Divine kingship?

English Folktales Lost & Found

Greek city-states and emplaced myth

Happy New Folktales

I appreciate correction and new information

Light and Air

Lived Religion

Lost in Narnia

Maps of Meaning?

Myth and the Blues


Navajo rugs

Peace and goodwill

Revised time for Unhappy Ever After lecture

Ruth Tongue

Scoundrel of the Sun

Sentient landscape?

Seth and the Seed Goddess (or where did a week go?)

Simulated worlds

Social media

Some Thoughts on Myth and Science

The Afterlife Journey

The Devil in Noah's Ark

The Father of All Trees


The Ritual Year

Thoughts about the Muggletonians