paradox,The Paradox Paradox | Daniel Hardcastle | undefined

The book isn’t coming out in 2021. If that fact surprised you, then you’ve really not been paying attention.

When I launched the book in 2019, eight years ago, I thought 2021 would be a fine date to set. Couple of years away, twice as long as the last one took to write, what could possibly go wrong?


Anyway, to hell with 2021. Faeces year. Didn’t deserve The Paradox Paradox. 2022, that’s where it’s at. I’ve already written more words this year than last, and they’re all really good. Today I wrote –

“Bullshit,” said Theo, incorrectly.

That cracking sound is me knocking it out of the park (1).

Although… well, you know that bit in Back to the Future, where Doc is trying to plug the cables together before the DeLorean reaches him, and those damn cables keep separating? Well writing a time travel story is like that, only there are five hundred cables, all tangled like headphones in a tumble dryer. You tug on one bit, and another pops out somewhere in the heap. 

It’s maddening. Enormous fun, but maddening. Nothing has popped out for a while though, which should seem comforting, but it feels more like that quiet bit before a jump scare in a horror movie. Either it’s fine, or I’m about to need a change of trousers. There is no middle ground.

Another thing that needs scrubbing is the “About the Book” page here on Unbound. The synopsis has shifted quite a chunk since then, so I’ve got a much more accurate version that should be live now. I’m terrible at writing synopses, so I got my friend and, irritatingly, Doctor Who writer Ben Tedds to knock one up for me. It’s got a few more plot details for you to be teased by, and proves that at least one other person understands the plot.

The first 100 pages of The Paradox Paradox are in Unbound's hands, and they can confirm that this is a real project, and not some sort of $99 android games console on Kickstarter that’ll never see the light of day. It’s coming, but only when it’s ready. Mercifully I’m working here with Unbound, who are enormously supportive (2).

With Love.
Daniel x
(Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Actor, Action Figure, All Elite.)

(1) That’s a sports reference. No idea which one, but it tracks apparently. Last thing I knocked out of a park was a frisbee and nobody seemed pleased with me at all to be honest.
(2) If this was any other publisher, Big Gav would have been round to break my knees by now.

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