inclusion,Mind the Inclusion Gap | Suzy Levy | undefined
Several weeks ago, I received the full development edit on Mind the Inclusion Gap. It wasn't the first time I've had feedback. There have been plenty of expert QA's and plenty of friends who gently (and sometimes ever so harshly) guided me towards a better book. But this was different. It was the first time a professional in publishing read the book cover to cover with the sole intent of editing my work; which meant that it was with a little trepidation and with great excitement, that I opened the file with her feedback.
I couldn't have been more pleased with her support, her detailed edits, and also her positivity. She changed almost one word in every paragraph, clicked on the hundreds of links and challenged me if she felt I missed or misrepresented anything. Having that level of intense scrutiny on the manuscript felt good. But what felt even better was the personal note she sent alongside which included this sentence ... 'You have written a lucid and thought-provoking book that sets out wonderfully clearly the issues of diversity and inclusion, and takes the reader on a voyage of discovery and self-awareness that so many of us need.'
Those of you who have been on the journey with me will know that I didn't write Mind the Inclusion Gap to make money, to sell more work, or as an sort of vanity project. We face some significant world problems and I wanted to write a book which could help others find their path.
After all these years, and after all this writing, rewriting and editing again, it feels good to put the pen down knowing that I've done what I set out to do.
The book manuscript is now locked. It will go to copy edit, typeset, cover design and then print and be available for all to buy next spring.
Truly exciting times.
Thank you again for playing your part in making it happen. I can't wait until each of you have a copy in hand.