one-in-five | Louisa Britain | undefined

When I announced this book funder, I tentatively hoped I might be writing my first update after about 10% of the backing we would need had been found. Having had sight of just how much money it takes to get a book of this type into print, I was, if anything, a little scared I'd never reach that target and we'd have to call it all off. In my mind I'd written an arbitrary timeline, based in the little that I had learned about this model of publishing and these sorts of books. Turns out my concerns were misplaced. We launched on Monday and today is Thursday. Owing to the near-instant show of support from each and every one of you, we have just hit 20% funded. I'm no longer worried we might have to call the book off. I can't tell you what a difference that has made to my confidence, and how much it means to some of the writers who had hoped to feature. Thank you for a dream of a launch.
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