craftivist-collective-handbook | Sarah Corbett | undefined

Dear Supporters and friends


I never want to feel that I am hiding something from this incredible community yet I have to be honest with you and say I've been reluctant to send you this update because...


I have missed the Craftivist Collective Handbook deadline for the book to be ready to be in your hands and physical stores Spring 2023.


I have never missed a deadline in my life which brought me a lot of shock and shame I still feel now. It was a culmination of a few things: I under-estimated how much work it would be to collate, curate all of the many elements of this book on top of writing the 36 essays needed. I was ill on three different occasions before the deadline. And I definitely didn't help the situation by putting so much pressure on myself for this book to be perfect. These setbacks led to chronic insomnia, mental health struggles and financial stress whilst trying to meet the deadline. Not the best ingredients to write helpful essays. BUT I have not given up!! And I am very aware and grateful for the privileged position you have allowed me to be in to write this innovative book. I will not waste this opportunity, I can promise you that.


With our Editor, Illustrator, Photographer, and Graphic Designer we have completed 60% if not more of the unique and multifaceted book and its looking beautiful!:) 

  • Every page has been layed out
  • I have handstitched 180 samples
  • We have photographed and written the step by steps for 17 of the 20 projects.  
  • 7 of our diverse 9 models have been photographed 
  • All written and photographic content from our global community have been created into collages.
  • All case studies have been written up and layed out 
  • All illustrations for the book have been drawn and positioned. 


The end is in sight! As soon as I have completed the essays and then work with the Neuroscientist Dr Danbee Kim for their contribution in the next few months then we are on a roll and you will get much more exciting updates from me hopefully with some pages I can show you confidentially if Unbound let me (Shhh!;p)  

I completely understand that many of you may feel frustrated, disappointed and impatient. I feel the same. Especially as we delayed the book for a year to prioritise the climate Canary Craftivists campaign before world leaders met in Glasgow for the UN Climate Change Committee last Summer. I understand if you want to request a refund at 

I will be hiding away to finish this book for the next few months to create a book that is as beautiful and useful as possible. Once again, I am truly sorry for any inconvenience caused. I really believe the book will be worth the wait and I'll be working hard to fulfil it's potential for you and fellow readers around the world. 


I hope you are doing ok at this turbulent time and with many people struggling with of post-pandemic exhaustion, 


All my appreciation, respect and friendship, 

Sarah P Corbett

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