all-my-worldly-joy | Laura Richmond | undefined

Dear everyone,

I wanted to share with you this shiny new video from Netmums, who interviewed me over Skype about birth trauma and maternal mental health. I explain about postnatal PTSD, talk about my own experience very briefly, and signpost to some support available. (I tell you this from memory: I have a policy of not watching or listening to myself at all as I know I will only dissolve into agonies of self-consciousness and nothing productive can come from that. I haven't seen the promo video on the Unbound page either. I did a lot of talking beside a canal and I trust that the lovely cameraman has edited out the bit where a pigeon flew into me mid-sentence.)

Netmums, by the way, are great - and not to be confused with Mumsnet, who brought us the great penis beaker debacle of 2013 (if you are new to this, it's quality content and especially worth reading on to page two of the comments). Netmums - aka Not The Penis Beaker Ones - run a parent supporter service which has been going for more than a decade now and doesn't get enough recognition. I only heard of it for the first time last year when they invited me to the tenth birthday party and I went to eat cake and learn things, as these are two of my favourite activities. It's an amazing service and worth keeping in mind if you or a mum you know is in need of advice or support.

This video is handy if you're new to the topic of birth trauma and/or postnatal PTSD, or if you're someone who's beginning to think about the impact of a birth experience and is considering seeking further information/support. It's also short and punchy and accessible. Please share it far and wide, or share this post if that's easier, as I'd like it to reach as many mums as possible - you never know, it might be just the topic someone needs to talk about - and obviously I'd like to attract pledges for the book too. It's ticking along, a bit slower than I'd like, but I am trying to be realistic about the fact that I have a lot on my plate, life happens, only human, etc etc etc. Trusting myself and trusting the process. It'll get done.

I'm so thankful you're all here.

Laura x



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