where-are-the-fellows-who-cut-the-hay | Robert Ashton | undefined

Good morning

I'm delighted to be able to tell you that the book you have kindly pledged to support is now 50% funded. I've been distracted of late by one or two other projects, not least a planning application to build a new home, so have not been as pushy as perhaps I should have been - but then the more we all become aware of the need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, the more topical this book becomes.

As well as exploring Suffolk's rural past, the book profiles quite a few people who are bringing back almost forgotten ways, creating new ventures that blend profitability with kindness to the environment. I found meeting these people heartening, and am confident that readers will find their stories inspiring. 

It would be brillliant get this book to target during November, but I can't do that without your help. Please do encourage all you know who might share you interest, to visit the book's Unbound page and join you in pledging their support. If you have any ideas of other ways we can win support for this book, perhaps sponsorship by a company able to benefit from association with the book, then please let me know. 

I know that with your help we can make this happen!





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