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Good afternoon winners!

Welcome to new pledgers and hello to old friends. Thanks for getting behind the campaign to get this important book published. I'm still amazed (disappointed but not surprised?) that these women have never been brought together in a book before.

I'm writing with a short update which I think you'll like. I've teamed up with Clavis & Claustra to offer some very cool new rewards you can pledge for alongside the book (see the pic). Clavis & Claustra make stationery and gifts for feminist warriors and I know there's lots of you out there.

They make great gifts, so please tell your friends and encourage other people to get some of this sweet, sweet merch while supporting a really important project. That way we all win!

If this is your first update, do check out the previous ones here so you can read about Shirley Chisholm, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir and Sirimavo Bandaranaike, three extraordinary women who will be in the book.

I'm always around for a chat on Twitter or Instagram if you want to know more, please do follow. 

In the meantime, thanks for your support, keep winning and have a great weekend.


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