The Motel,themotel | Claire Manumission | undefined

Dearest Moteliers,

It is crisp and cold outside but we have the fire burning in the stove as I write these words to you. I handed in two more chapters to our publisher at Unbound before the holidays and promptly came down with covid, but the good news is that I have been told they are the best ones yet. 

Just wanted to reach out and let you know that we haven’t disappeared off the face of the planet! So hold tight! I am now back at my writing desk in good health in the imagined company of the Ibiza Posse, taking advice from Jean Paul Gaultier which ends in a full police raid, and the Motel going up against the club owners aka the discotheque mafia. 
The Motel was a rebel institution completely outside of the system and as remembered in the book 'when the police asked if everyone was taking drugs? "Of course they are!" Roared Eric the Viking "But this is art!"'.

It has been great receiving your personal stories and photographs which all go into the mix. 

The photo below is a glimpse of Manumission morning madness with myself, little Karen and Tirry kindly sent to us last week by one of our fantastic Motel backers. 

Please keep them coming. 

It has been an out of body experience reading about ‘it’ from the perspective of friends, DJs, ravers and dealers. I love the effect Manumission had on so many. So immersed am I in the world of the Motel that it may come as no surprise that quarter of a century later I dream bizare dreams set in the corridors of the Motel or in our old farm house in San Joan. 

2022 was a phenomenal year for The Motel. We exceeded our personal expectations by reaching all of our pledging goals including the grandest pledge of all.

Hands in the air to that!!!

We will be back shortly with more updates from Mission HQ in the meantime Mike and I send you warmest love for a fabulous year ahead. Now I must get back to the book - the hot summer of 98 beckons... xx


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