women-who-won | Ros Ball | undefined

Hello Winners

Happy November to you all. I'm writing to you with a short update to celebrate the election of Kamala Harris as the first woman and first BIPOC Vice President of the USA. She's a new addition to the 70 women in Women Who Won and I am thrilled to be able to add her.

The video for this update is of Kamala answering questions from people on Instagram. She says "I have, in my career, been told many times, it's not your time, it's not your turn. Let me just tell you, I eat no for breakfast... It's a hearty breakfast"

How much do you love that energy? I'm taking it with me as I continue to work to get the book funded. We are half way there, so if you all asked ONE OTHER PERSON to pledge for this book we would be funded tomorrow. Can you imagine how wonderful that would be? Asking an individual to pledge works better than making a blanket request to everyone you know. Would you help me by asking one person and seeing it through to their pledge? Thank you so much for your support.

May your breakfasts be hearty and your time be now.


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