Music to Eat Cake By: Essays on Birds,music-to-eat-cake-by-essays-on-birds-words-and-everything-in-between,Words and Everything in Between | Lev Parikian | undefined


You guys are the best, you know that? You're the official early adopters, the advance crowd, the cheerleaders, ahead of the curve and in the vanguard. So congratulations and thanks are due.

I can't imagine this book existing with any other publisher than Unbound – it is the embodiment of what they're about. So I was delighted when they embraced the idea with enthusiasm, while slightly nervous about the thought of embarking on a book without having the first clue what it would be about. In my mind it will be a discursive collection, weaving threads of grand themes and minutiae to construct a rich tapestry reflecting the glory of life. In reality it'll probably turn into my usual mix of birds, music and cricket. But I will do my best to avoid this easy path and delve into the potentially more difficult, but also more rewarding undergrowth.

Anyway, this is just to say 'hello' and 'thanks', but also to stop Unbound's auto-responders sending me messages saying 'you haven't done an update yet'. 

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